AIR CARGO INDIA 2018, 20-22 February Mumbai, India

Visit ECS Group at Air Cargo India in Mumbai.

India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world. India jumped 19 places and ranked 35 in 2016 as against 54 in 2014 in the latest Logistics Performance Index by World Bank. It is a matter of great importance to India as better performance in logistics not only boosts initiatives like Make in India, by enabling India to become part of the global supply chain but also helps to increase trade.

With a bigger and better version, the 7th edition of AIR CARGO INDIA aims to be a perfect platform for global air cargo industry stakeholders to explore India as the best emerging market in the world. Organised by The STAT Trade Times, AIR CARGO INDIA will take place at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai from 20 to 22 February, 2018.

In its 6th edition in 2016, Air Cargo India gathered a record number of 70 international exhibitors, 434 delegates and 3,450 trade visitors.

This year, ECS Group is nominated in the category: INTERNATIONAL GENERAL SALES AGENT OF THE YEAR.

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