FROM ITJ – Breaking the mould


How is the ECS Group different from its competitors in the market?

There are three key aspects that differ­entiate us from our competitors. When we enter a new market, we fully integrate existing structures into the highest level of management. So we can compete in tenders without internal competition.

Secondly, our offer is usually better than that of our competitors. We offer services that are tailored to the needs of each client. As a GSSA we offer more than we did as a cargo sales agent; more than back-office only; we ­supply what we call ‘total cargo management’, including IT solutions.

A third point is that we don’t take over entire networks, but are interested in local heroes. I think both approaches are legitimate, but we’re more comfortable with our proven strategy.

In which parts of the world are you ambitious for growth?

In Asia in particular, of course, and especially in the northeast of the continent, in Japan, Korea and China. We’ll also be ­exhibiting at Air Cargo China in Shanghai in May. We believe India is promi­sing too. We’ve been growing organically there, in conjunction with Saudia Cargo, DHL and Jetstar, amongst others. We also see potential in Southeast Asia, where we are now also represent Royal Brunei.

What about in other regions?

We’re present in seven countries in South America and would like to expand into other countries there. The same is the case in our European core markets, where we currently have a presence in Germany and the Netherlands and would like to expand geographically.

What does the ECS Group mean by its catchy new advertising campaign slogan ­’Unbox your GSSA’?

It’s quite simple really. The industry is changing – and with it the profile of a ­GSSA is undergoing transformation too. It’s no longer enough to sell 2,500 t of freight a day. We want to show that we’re reinventing the business model – with services that go far beyond the previous understanding of what it was to be a GSA.

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